The War Museum

The War Museum is a private non-profit foundation dedicated to the collection, preservation, and public display of military, nautical, and aviation historical war relics.
The Founder
Rodney Hilton Brown founded The War Museum in 1983 as a “wholesale” museum, or warehouse lender, of historical collections to “retail” museums who have facilities for public display. He has a 35-Year track record of gifts & loans to museums of historic nautical and military artifacts for the purpose of educating the public, inspiring our youth and honoring the men & women of the U. S. Armed Forces. Brown, a military collector, historian, and published author has been investigating, tracking down and preserving relics of our nation’s military history. Once, he acquired two of General George Washington’s bugles from the Revolutionary War and donated them to the Revolutionary War Museum at Fraunces Tavern (NYC). Other museums that have received outright donations or loan exhibitions are: U.S.S. Constitution (Old Ironsides); Smithsonian Institution; National Portrait Gallery (DC); Webb Institute of Naval Architecture (NY); The United Nations (NYC); The Intrepid Air Sea Space Museum (Battle of Britain, Kamikaze & Iwo Jima); U.S. Naval War College Museum (Newport, R.I.); The Mariner’s Museum (Newport News, VA); The Whaling Museum (New Bedford, MA); Fraunces Tavern Museum (NYC); Chicago Museum of Science & Industry (U-505); and the U.S. Olympic Hockey Museum (AHAUS) to whom Brown donated the puck that scored the winning goal on the Soviets in the famous 1980 Olympic Championship games. Brown was made an Honorary Marine (USMYNYPAO) for his rescue, restoration and public exhibition of The Original 1945 IWO JIMA MONUMENT.